Vol. 13 (2006): Special Issue: Proceedings of the Conferences Valparaíso Númerico II

BEM-FEM coupling for wave-structure interaction

Salim Meddahi
Departamento de Matemática, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
Francisco-Javier Sayas
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada. Universidad de Zaragoza, Centro Politécnico Superior, Zaragoza, Spain.

Published 25-02-2025


  • mixed finite elements,
  • elastodynamics,
  • helmholtz equation


We present a numerical method, based on a coupling of finite elements and boundary elements, to solve a fluid-solid interaction problem posed in the plane. The boundary unknowns involved in our formulation are approximated by a spectral method. We provide error estimates for the Galerkin method and present numercial results that ilustrate the accuracy of our scheme.